OCTOBER                             2020




First of all, I hope, also on behalf of the Board, that you are all in good health, and free from the Covid-19 problems. I could not have imagined that when we canceled the entire ECMO season in May, that there would be a second wave of this serious magnitude. Every day the rules are getting stricter in various countries, with locks-down again in many places.

Fortunately there are prospects for one or more vaccines in the not too far future. But that means that we still have to be very careful. The relaxation in the summer did not bode well, because there was no discipline.

There have been some local or national classic cross, but nowhere a complete program. And of course there will be an “After Covid-19” –time. But when? And what will it be like then? Back to “Normal” like before the pandemic? Nobody knows, but I think it will be a little bit different.

But also in another “After Covid-19”- time there will be room for Classic Motocross with again beautiful ECMO races between classic friends from all over Europe. I am sure of that even in this uncertain times. There is for sure a light at the end of this dangerous tunnel.

I hope, and with me the board of ECMO, that you will have the patience to wait for the light to go green next year 2021. I am confident that things will turn out well and I am hope to share this optimism with all of you. And if we are aware of measures that are needed now and live by them, then we should succeed!

There is still a lot of uncertainty for clubs. Is it possible to organize next year? Their planning is therefore with reservations.

As soon as there is more clarity for the next year regarding events, races, competitions, travelling etc., we will inform you in time about places and dates. And if the light turns into green, we promise you to make a beautiful calendar for you next season.

Let us stay optimistic and above all healthy! So take good care of yourself and all your beloved ones and stick to the corona rules!!!

Then we will see each other again next year, safe and sound.

Alberto, (on behalf of the Board)


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