Important decisions of the AGM in Reading 06-09-2015.

A) Enrolment
Dear participants on ECMO races, CEC and also CMCdN.

We have asked this already a few times, but still there are, in our opinion, too many riders who don’t appear at a race, although they made an entry for that race.  First we think that this is an improper conduct towards the organizers  and second it can harm the ECMO relationship with organizers.

All representatives found this indeed an unacceptable situation
and the meeting agreed with the following sanction for “no appearance without a message”.

“After an ECMO-race, the not signed out rider will become an invoice
to pay  € 10,00 penalty fee on the bank account of ECMO (see ECMO site)
or he pays cash at the entry on the for  him first coming race”.

So please let us hold on the good cooperation with the organizers as it is now.
Remember, no track, no race.

1. Group  30+   : Bike up to 1974
2. Group  50+   : Bike up to 1974
3. Group  60+   : Bike up to 1972
4. Group  66+   : Bike up to 1965
5. Group  70+   : Bike up to 1965

Provided that the technical rules will stay as they are now in the rules!!!
(short suspension, no membrane/reed valve etc.)

From 2017 on these construction years of the bikes are applied.


Bemærk venligst note øverst oppe,: kører der udebliver fra Ecmo race, uden afbud, vil man håndhæve reglen om, at køreren modtager en opkrævning på 10 Euro.

Vedr. ÆNDRINGER i reglement.:  Maskinreglement`s ændringer mht. årgange træder i kraft fra 2017!!!!.

Alder på deltager i klassen 35+ der er ændret til 30+ træder i kraft fra 2016!!!

Ved spørgsmål kontakt Kurt på 20491064 eller mail

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