Deltager du i ECMO regi?

Vær opmærksom på nedenstående.

Hvis man som tilmeldt kører til et ECMO race, er forhindret i at deltage, meld da venligst afbud så hurtigt som muligt, så en på reservelisten kan overtage pladsen.

Kontakt evt. Kurt på tlf 20491064.


Hello Classic ECMO riders, The new season starts soon. Once again there is great interest in the ECMO races, thanks to good organizers, good circuits for the classic and a fantastic atmosphere. For various reasons, the organizers are sometimes bound by rules, which means that a maximum number of drivers are allowed to start in a race. This differs per circuit.

 We, as ECMO, have to respect this, although sometimes riders will fall out as a result. We of course regret this very much, but it is a fact. Therefore an urgent request to you as a driver. If you have registered for a race and you have received your confirmation, then also go to that race. If, for whatever reason, you are still unable to go, report this as soon as possible so that a “reserve” rider can participate in your place.

Staying away without a message is very non-collegial to your fellow driver and will lead to a penalty. You can then be placed on the reserve list for next races which are full!! Be sporty and report your absence in time !! Let us again ensure beautiful races in the coming season.

Kind regards

Board of the ECMO

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