CEMAR-2 in Apolda, Germany

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Dear Cemar riders,

Some of you received an email from Mr Sigmar Fischer yesterday regarding the condition on the Apolda race track. This email is a sad and poor attempt made to scare you away from the Cemar 2 race in Apolda.

The Cemar organisation condem such behavior and support fully the organisation around Apolda so please enter for Cemar 2 via the link below and come and join us on a classic and well prepared racetrack in Apolda and maybe even a visit to a local brewery 🙂

Please do not hesitate to sign up for this exiting event on June 30, 2018 on this link ….Entry form for CEMAR-2

Please also read the letter from the organizer at Apolda, by Mr. Jörg Heuer, ODMX to better understand the situation regarding Mr. Fischers email to you.

Letter from the organizers ..Stellungnahme CEMAR 2

See you in Apolda

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