Aflysning af CMCdN 2020

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Så er afgørelsen truffet med Classic Moto Cross des Nation 2020 : Aflyst

læs venligst medsendte fra ECMO

CMCdN 2020 som skulle have været afholdt i Tyskland d. 19. september er aflyst, se nedenstående tekst fra ECMO.




Regarding: Cancellation CMCdN 2020


Dear Representative,

The ECMO Board hopes that all of you and your loved ones are in good health and free from the dangerous Covid-19 virus. We ourselves, together with our families are doing well.


Although we are still in the middle of the Corona crisis, the board must look forward to the near future and our CMCdN in Germany. The organization of this event shouldn’t never be a gamble. The board concludes that there are too many questions and uncertainties and an unpredictable near future. We do realize, and you know better than anyone, that many of our „riders“ are in the „risk group“ (60+>). We also understand that after a long period of sitting home and preparing the bike for the seventh time, one wants to try and ride it finally. But we want also protect our riders for too much optimism, because the virus is still there and till yet, no vaccine available and according to the experts, a second infection wave will come. So a dilemma? Not really.


The board thinks that it is inappropriate to wait longer for a “maybe yes or no” towards the club but also towards the riders/teams. Now there are no expenses to be made by anyone.

Some questions: Can everybody free travel through Europe and in and out of Germany? Are there perhaps some countries with certain restrictions? Is everyone healthy? What if there comes a “lock down” during the CMCdN? Is a normal paddock with all vehicles possible? Are there special rules for events? Etc. etc.


Therefore the Board of ECMO has decided, in consultation with the representative of Germany, Mr. Mühlig and the organizer, MC Culitzsch, to cancel the CMCdN 2020 on September 19.

How much we regret this decision, but we cannot take any risk.


The treasurer will refund any payed fees incurred for the cancelled races to the organizing clubs. The country fee will be forwarded to 2021. You all know: “ECMO is a non-profit organization that “lives” by and with volunteers and a lot of enthusiasm”.

I will come back to the AGM 2020 later on this year. All accepted proposals from the AGM 2019 in Marum are already incorporated in the ECMO Regulations Version 2020.


With kind regards, “stay safe”,

The Board of ECMO, on their behalf, Alberto Langenberg (Chairman)


  1. Should a green light situation arise at the last minute from the German government and the Health Organizations, than MC Culitzsch is of course entitled to organize a race, but then without the ECMO status. That is entirely up to the club. However we would like to report this on our site
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